Covering your entire body, skin plays an extremely important role in defining and affecting your overall health. Some parts of the body are more exposed than others, such as the face, which places it in danger to experience a host of medical conditions, such as acne. When whiteheads become inflamed, papules are the result. Luckily, they are generally considered one of the least threatening types of acne and home remedies for papules could speed up your recovery time.
Home Remedies for Papules 14 Home Remedies for Papules
What are Papules?
Papules are small bumps (around 1 centimeter in diameter) that form on the skin that are firm, shaped like a cone, and are usually pink or red in color, but can be purple and brown as well. They are inflamed whiteheads that are tender to the touch, but do not contain any pus – like the more advanced pustule. There is no visible fluid in a papule, which can vary from the size of a pinhead to one centimeter. They usually appear in clusters or most frequently develop as a rash.
Papules and pustules are often confused with one another, but the difference between the two kinds of facial blemishes is the development of pus. Pustules contain pus and are painful. Papules are not filled with pus and are generally painless. Papules go away on their own or with mild treatments, whereas pustules can turn into more serious lesions (called cysts) that deeply affect the skin.
Causes and Symptoms
The small solid bumps that form on the skin is caused when a whitehead becomes inflamed. They occur when the follicular wall has been broken, and white blood cells invade the area – causing inflammation of the pore. Papules are often itchy, and when scratched – they create red and crusty eruptions. The acne condition is considered minor, but can worsen and become increasingly inflammatory if left alone.
Papules can appear on any part of the body, especially on the face. Common body parts affected by this type of growth include the cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and arms. This skin condition may accompany a variety of chronic and acute conditions, such as eczema, contact dermatitis, chickenpox, rosacea, lichen planus, and papulosis (a chronic skin disease that causes recurring clusters of papules on the torso and limbs). With psoriasis, the chronic, inflammatory skin disease is known for its dry, reddish thickened patches of skin covered with silvery-gray scales. These patches are sometimes called papules.
Papule Home Remedies
Since papules do not contain any pus, there really is no reason to pop, poke, pick or squeeze. If scratched, papules may open become infected and crusty. You could seriously aggravate the skin and possibly worsen your existing pimples, which can leave a permanent scar behind. Instead, you may want to consider some of the following home remedies for papules:
a) Zinc:
Zinc has proven to effectively treat acne because it boosts the immune system and possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help the body fight infection. You can take a supplement or increase your intake in your diet. Foods high in zinc include low-fat roast beef, sesame seeds, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, roasted pumpkin seeds, and peanuts.
b) Oatmeal and Honey:
A combination of oatmeal and honey works together to absorb excess oil from the skin, as well as provide antiseptic and toning results. Mix ½ cup of cooked oatmeal and 1/8 cup of honey together, and allow the blend to cool. Apply the paste to oily skin, and leave on for 15 minutes. Use warm water to wash off the mask. Use this home remedy one to two times a week to reduce skin oiliness and lessen the frequency of acne outbreaks.
c) Strawberries:
Some people have applied the juice of strawberries as a mask to their papules to see results.
d) Warm Compress:
Apply a warm (not hot) compress of water to the skin to treat redness and inflammation of papules.
e) Clean Linens:
Anything that touches your skin needs to be clean, including your bed sheets, pillow cases, towels, and clothing.
f) Orange Peels:
You can pound orange peels and add a bit of water to create a healing treatment for papules that is applied to the skin.
g) Tomato:
Rubbing a slice of a ripe tomato over affected skin can help speed along the healing process of papules. Allow the juice to dry on the skin for 30 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water.
h) Water:
It is suggested to drink a minimum of eight glass of filtered water (8 ounces each) every day to encourage the removal of toxins in your skin. This will help heal the skin, as well as promote overall healthier skin by keeping it hydrated and preventing excess skin cells from clogging up your pores.
i) Cabbage:
Known to treat skin conditions, such as various kinds of pimples, you can mix cabbage leaves (freshly crushed) and a small amount of olive oil. Apply the remedy to affected skin for a healing tonic treatment.
j) Oat, Honey and Egg Whites:
Add one tablespoon of honey to five tablespoons of oats to create a healing paste for blemished skin. Stir the ingredients together, and then add two egg whites. Apply the mask to your face and leave on for 30 minutes.
k) Papaya:
To keep papules from worsening and getting infected, apply papaya juice to affected skin. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
l) Daily Face Washing:
An effective way to treat a papule is to embrace a healthy daily skincare routine. Wash your face two times per day with a mild cleanser, and then apply a topical remedy aimed at reducing acne. Avoid scrubbing your skin as you clean or you run the risk of irritating your papules. The goal is to reduce the inflammation associated with the papules.
m) Sunscreen:
Lessen the inflammation of papules by applying a daily sunscreen. Opt for a sun protection factor (SPF) higher than 15.
n) Coconut Oil:
With anti-microbial and antiseptic properties, coconut oil rubbed on the face can treat a case of papules.
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